If you don’t know who Steve Barry is in our world of ventriloquism, then you have been living under a rock. He is a prolific builder of one of a kind custom conversion ventriloquist figures and goes under the name of Gepettosworkshop on eBay.
He starts with a Juro figure for the most part, uses magic sculpt to create a new look, adds moving eyes, eyebrows, slot jaw, head stick and new body and there you have a custom pro style figure.
Steve and I went back and forth and he decided he would show me he could make a figure totally from scratch and in doing so he decided it should be in my own likeness. Well he is a man of his word and after about 6 months his Dan Willinger figure is done and now residing in the Dan Willinger collection.
Steve you did in fact capture many of my characteristic (especially the space between my front teeth ) and my wife thinks it is a very good characterization. So I can now take off my hat to you (so to speak because I don’t wear hats) because you have proved that you can in fact make a complete pro ventriloquist figure from scratch.
I think this is the way you should go from now on and forget about the conversions. You certainly have the ability and I know people would love to get custom figures that are full size pro figures from you!!
Click Here For Steve Barry’s Blog
Again congrats on a job well done.
All writings here are copyrighted by Dan Willinger and Ventriloquist Central. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.
Hi Steve,
Thought that you may like to know what happened to this amazing figure?
My brother bought it on eBay late 2017, and he now lives a comfortable life in Australia.
It is a great piece of work.