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Tag Archives: Scott Bryte
Pastor Scott Bryte’s Latest Ventriloquist Figure
Pastor Scott Bryte took me up on a challenge which I proposed to him quite some time ago. That was to create a hand carved wooden figure into which you placed your hand inside its head to control the movements. … Continue reading
Scott Bryte and His Jester
Well our good buddy Pastor Scott Bryte has done it again. His “out of the box” thinking gives him inspiration to create wonderfully unique items such as this “Jester”. And, you could own this little guy!!! Here are Scott’s words:
Pastor Scott Bryte Shares Word of God Without Moving His Lips
Our good friend, Pastor Scott Bryte has a nice little article with pictures in one of his local newspapers. As you know, Scott built the “Corky & Sparky” figures that are now in the Ventriloquist Central Collection.
Photos of the Ventriloquist Central Collection
Dan Willinger and the Ventriloquist Central Collection I have been asked quite a few times to show pictures of the Ventriloquist Central Collection in its entirety and unfortunately, that I am not able to do but, I thought you may … Continue reading
Posted in Dummy Collecting, Ventriloquism/Ventriloquist, Ventriloquist Central, Ventriloquist Figure (Dummy) Makers, Ventriloquist Figure Building, Ventriloquist Figures
Tagged Bob Isaacson, Dan Willinger, Frank Marshall, Hand Carved, Jack Coats, James Tattersall, Johnny Main, Ken Spencer, Louis Grannat, Mortimer Snerd, Scott Bryte, Theodore Mack, Ventriloquism, Ventriloquist, Ventriloquist Central, Ventriloquist Dummy, Ventriloquist Figures
Ventriloquist Figure Builder, Scott Bryte Part 4
More info and pics from Keith Suranna of the ventriloquist figure that Scott Bryte is building for him. Attached are more of Scott’s work. I am truly amazed by his attention to detail. I have no doubt that he … Continue reading
Posted in Scott Bryte, Ventriloquism/Ventriloquist, Ventriloquist Central, Ventriloquist Figure (Dummy) Makers, Ventriloquist Figure Building, Ventriloquist Figures
Tagged Figure Maker, Hand Carved, Scott Bryte, Ventriloquism, Ventriloquist, Ventriloquist Central, Ventriloquist Dummy, Ventriloquist Figures