W.S. Berger As Remembered by Kenny Warren

There was a time when if you needed any information concerning ventriloquism you need only contact W.S. Berger and ask. He was one of the most giving people you could ever come in contact with. Below is a great shot with a few remembrance words from Ventriloquist Kenny Warren about this great collector and mentor of the past!!

“Dan, here’s a photo to share with your readers of Ventriloquist Central, (it’s a bit faded but the memories certainly aren’t!) of me and W.S. Berger at the Vent Haven Museum (his home; just look at his desk, etc.!) in 1965.

I visited W.S. three times; his wife Muzz was a wonderful lady who insisted that I not stay at the local motel that rainy night. Some things remain forever. The oil painting (directly above me) was of W.S.’s first dummy. W.S. gave me full reign of whatever I wished to ready, copy, etc. while there; no holds barred.  He wished full access to everything by everyone who were vent-related-interested.”

W.S Berger and Kenny Warren at Vent Haven

Kenny, thanks for sharing.



All writings here are copyrighted by Dan Willinger and Ventriloquist Central. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.

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One Response to W.S. Berger As Remembered by Kenny Warren

  1. Lee Dean says:

    Thank you Kenny Warren. You are so right about W.S. In 1955 I could work any figure there. Muzz even gave me a calico cat.

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