Friday night it was my pleasure to have the company of Dr Cookie Jensen and her family to come over and see the Ventriloquist Central Collection.
Cookie has been an active ventriloquist for many years and is also a regular attendee at the Vent Haven ConVENTion. As matter of fact she was one the the first ventriloquist I had the pleasure of interviewing at the ConVENTion.
She was in town with her husband Tim to help the packing process for their son Jarad who is graduation from Harvard Business. Congrats to this fine young man.
I am so pleased she contacted me and was able to spend a few hours here and remember if you are in the Boston area just let me know and you too can come for a visit.
Dan Willinger is a ventriloquism enthusiast and ventriloquist figure collector. He has been collecting for over 25 years. He created the Ventriloquist Central Collection. It now has over 100 ventriloquist figures and over 50 of them are Frank Marshall figures. Because of his love for the art of ventriloquism, Mr. Willinger created the website Ventriloquist Central. For more information about the website, go to:
Copyright 2011 by Dan Willinger
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Cookie is a sweetie and a great vent, hope to see her at the birthday bash?