OK that got your attention but really the trouble was with my house. Over the past weekend I came into the den (Where Charlie watches over everything) and saw I had a big brown water stain on the ceiling.
I could also hear water dripping but it sounded like it was in the wall. I went downstairs to the basement and found I had water dripping though the basement ceiling but luckily right into the sink by the washer and dryer. That was the only luck.
I went back upstairs to the second floor and could find no water anywhere so I assumed it was the last section of my roof which as yet had not been done. My roof is so large I had to do it in sections.
I called the roofer and he looked and agreed that more than likely the water was getting inside because the singles are old and cupped and there is 2 courses of singles on that side.
So we called in the order for the supplies and we are now scheduled to repair that section.
Problem solved!! NOT!!
I woke up Tuesday morning washed up and came down stairs to hear the famous sound of the water dripping and now the stain was larger. I looked outside and the sun was shinning. Not a problem with rain and the roof!!
So I called the plumber. He arrived today Wednesday and we had to trace back to find the leak. He made a tiny hole in the ceiling and used a fiber optic camera to look up into the ceiling and nearly fell over as he said for me to look at the monitor.
I had an ocean inside my ceiling!! We cut away a 12″ square piece of the ceiling and when we removed it we found that who ever had redone this ceiling, before I purchased the house, had covered the ceiling with plastic before putting up the sheet rock.
So this plastic was holding the water inside . We filled 3 5 gallon buckets with water and then had to open the ceiling more so it is now a 3 x 3 foot opening.
All the water removed we finally able to see that the only wet spot above the ceiling ( underside of the upstairs floor ) was where the pipe from Helen’s sink came through. My house was built in 1924 so everything is old in the bathroom. Nice porcelain pedestal sink.
I followed the plumber up to the bathroom and sure enough the antique brass pipe which runs inside the pedestal had corroded and separated causing water to not only flow on the inside of that pipe but the outside as well.
I have no clue how long it had been like that but I am glad we caught it because if not I could have had a bad problem with mold.
So now the leak is fixed, I have a plasterer scheduled for this evening to fix the ceiling and all I can say is I am glad Charlie McCarthy was here to over see everything.
ALSO…don’t forget, about the call in show tonight 9pm (eastern), 8pm (central) and 6pm (pacific)…..for more click here.
Dan Willinger is a ventriloquism enthusiast and ventriloquist figure collector. He has been collecting for over 25 years. He created the Ventriloquist Central Collection. It now has over 100 ventriloquist figures and over 50 of them are Frank Marshall figures. Because of his love for the art of ventriloquism, Mr. Willinger created the website Ventriloquist Central. For more information about the website, go to: http://www.ventriloquistcentral.com
Copyright 2010 by Dan Willinger
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So glad Charles did not get wet.