I have written in the past about our Ventriloquist Marketplace here on Ventriloquist Central but I just had to again let you all know that the Marketplace is really doing spectacular. Items get listed and sold so fast it almost too hard to believe.
In the past two weeks over 15 items have been listed and one sold within a couple of hours being listed.
There are some really good deals on the Ventriloquist Marketplace, so go check them out.
Seriously, next time you want to sell you ventriloquist puppet, figure or ventriloquial item, list it where you’re going to get the most people looking for that type of item, the Ventriloquist Marketplace!
Have you signed up for the Ventriloquist Central Birthday Bash? Take advantage of the Special Early Bird Pre-Registration!!!
Ventriloquist Central is the brainchild of Dan Willinger and Steve Hurst. Dan is a ventriloquism enthusiast and ventriloquist figure collector. He has been collecting for over 25 years. He created the Ventriloquist Central Collection. It now has over 100 ventriloquist figures and over 50 of them are Frank Marshall figures. Steve is a ventriloquist as well as builder of ventriloquist figures. He also has a background in sales, marketing, building websites and computers. Because they both love the art of ventriloquism, the website Ventriloquist Central was born. For more information about the website, go to: http://www.ventriloquistcentral.com
Copyright 2013 by Dan Willinger and Steve Hurst
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