The Clock is Ticking for the Ventriloquist Central Birthday Bash

ventriloquist central birthday bash time ticking away
Happy says, “Time is ticking away for the Ventriloquist Central Birthday Bash….register now so you can see me in person!”

I know that everyone is thinking about the Vent Haven ConVENTion and that includes me. I just love that gathering and always have a great time.

But that being said I also have to every so often remind all you folks that the Ventriloquist Central will be 5 years old and the Ventriloquist Central Birthday Bash is right around the corner. In fact it is just over 5 months away.

So with time marching forward I just want to remind everyone that if you are thinking about attending our Birthday Bash you should sign up now because as I have said in the past we only have limited space for this and you really don’t want to miss this affair. Registrants have been coming in.

Click on the link below and read again about all that will be happening, your opportunity to win the GRAND PRIZE and remember this will be your chance to see the Ventriloquist Central Collection.

Click here for the Ventriloquist Central Birthday Bash

I really do hope you register and are among the group to enjoy this great Ventriloquism Birthday.



Dan Willinger is a ventriloquism enthusiast and ventriloquist figure collector. He has been collecting for over 25 years. He created the Ventriloquist Central Collection. It now has over 100 ventriloquist figures and over 50 of them are Frank Marshall figures. Because of his love for the art of ventriloquism, Mr. Willinger created the website Ventriloquist Central. For more information about the website, go to:

Copyright 2011 by Dan Willinger

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