New Figures From Albert Alfaro

I know it has been quite some time since I have posted anything but here is some great news , Albert Alfaro better known as Imaginarium Gallery has created a new line of ventastic figues. So take a look.

Greetings friends & fellow ventriloquist enthusiasts! I’m excited to unveil a new concept that I’ve been working on for the past few years. Before I started making ventriloquist figures, I invented a different style of puppets called Drabbits. Drabbits are cable-controlled fantasy creatures. I have continued developing them alongside my ventriloquist figures with very little overlap between the two— until now! Introducing DrabbaVents!

DrabbaVents are an exciting new line of ventriloquist figures that represent a melding of worlds; a crossover that has resulted in professional ventriloquist figures with a unique blend some of the best features that traditional hard & soft figures have to offer.

DrabbaVents come in 3 different sizes and a variety of fun designs. Head over to my new dedicated Ventriloquist Figure online store to check them out!

All the best to everyone,


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2 Responses to New Figures From Albert Alfaro

  1. Donald Woodford says:


  2. Howard Shirling says:

    Hi Dan hope all is going well. And Albert same to you.

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