I have always professed you need the right tool for the job and so it is true you need the right worker for the particular job.
I hired this fellow Franklin to do the repair of the ceiling and I must admit he is a great plasterer. He cut out more of the ceiling then cut and hung new plaster board and then re plastered the entire ceiling to match the existing ceiling in the other room.
He did a spectacular job and now you would never know that anything had happened to my ceiling.
I also asked Franklin if he worked in the circus because he is an expert at walking on stilts.
Enjoy the pictures.
Dan Willinger is a ventriloquism enthusiast and ventriloquist figure collector. He has been collecting for over 25 years. He created the Ventriloquist Central Collection. It now has over 100 ventriloquist figures and over 50 of them are Frank Marshall figures. Because of his love for the art of ventriloquism, Mr. Willinger created the website Ventriloquist Central. For more information about the website, go to: http://www.ventriloquistcentral.com
Copyright 2010 by Dan Willinger
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