Name My Collection

It has come to pass when I believe that my collection needs and deserves a name. W.S. Berger had the Vent Haven, Bill Boley had the Dummy Den, Captain Dick had the Dummy Depot ( now owned by Stevo Schulling in Germany) and with the size of the Dan Willinger collection it deserves no less so we have decided to run a little event called “Name the Collection.”

Put on your thinking caps and send in names for the collection and then once all names have been sent in Steve, my webmaster, and I will select what we think are the best three names and will then have you all vote for the best one to call the collection.

Just send in any name ideas you have in the comment section below.

I think this will be fun and hope everyone decides to participate.




Dan Willinger is a ventriloquism enthusiast and ventriloquist figure collector. He has been collecting for over 25 years. His collection of ventriloquist figures now numbers over 100 figures of which there are over 50 Frank Marshall figures. Because of his love for the art of ventriloquism, Mr. Willinger created the website Ventriloquist Central. For more information about the website, go to:

Copyright 2009 by Dan Willinger

NOTE: You may use this blog article provided you run it with the bio box intact. Please email a copy of your publication with the blog article in it to:

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22 Responses to Name My Collection

  1. Les Lamborn says:

    The Willinger Collection

  2. Lee Dean says:

    After you do google search on word dummy and importance in martial arts, a good catchy name for your collection could be “Marshall Arts”.

  3. Lee Dean says:

    Or, simply “Marshall Art”.

  4. Jason Willinger says:

    Vent Town, Vent Land, Dummy Land, Ventriloquist Village, Vent Ville, Ventriloquist Place

  5. Lee Dean says:

    Or, “Marshall Arts (Where No Dummy Gets Kicked Around)”.

  6. Frankly I love the name of your website– very fitting for what you’ve done! With that said I think “The Ventriloquist Central Collection” is a fitting name for your collection. You really have created a site that truly has become “Ventriloquist Central” on the web. Perhaps your collection should bear the same “brand”.

    Way to go, guys, on creating a thoroughly comprehensive site. I don’t comment very often here, but I love to read your blogs and fascinating articles and I love your video posts. Great stuff. Your site is at the very top of my list of recommendations when people ask me how to learn more about the art and science of ventriloquism.

    Dan, I am performing on a New England/Canadian cruise leaving from Boston on July 11th. Perhaps I can arrange a visit on July 10th. I would love to personally see your fabulous collection!

  7. JET says:

    GRAND Ventriloquist CENTRAL

  8. JET says:

    Willingers Wonkas

  9. Greetings – I think the “Russ Kolber Collection” has a nice ring to it!

    Just kidding Dan – I think your collection ALREADY has a name… the “Dan Willinger” Collection. That’s how everyone refers to it now –

    It doesn’t seem to be broken – don’t fix it!


  10. Shepherd Ray says:

    Ummmmm Vent world, the dummies place, go figure, the Dummy palace, The house of figures, willinger and friends, or ventriloquist central.!!!!

  11. Bill DeMar says:

    Boley isn’t here any more and neither is his den, so you could name it “Dan’s Dummy Den”.

  12. Tom Farrell says:


    How about ” The Dummy Domain” or “Dan’s Dummy Domain

  13. Ray Guyll says:

    How about “DUMMY CENTRAL”

  14. Lee Dean says:

    Or, “The Collectibles”.

  15. Ed Thomas says:

    Dan,s Den of Dummies

    Go Figure-Ventriloquist Figures FromAround The World

    Dan,s World or Dan,s World of Dummies

  16. Dennis Meeks says:

    Figuratively Speaking, This is Dan Willinger

    Willinger’s Art and Artistry of Ventriloquism

    Ventriloquist Trade Tools

    Gepetto’s Touch by Dan Willinger

  17. Jim Maurer says:

    Marshall & Company
    or Marshall & Friends

  18. I’d make it simple… “THE VENTRILOQUIST CENTRAL.COM” collection!

  19. Dan Leighly says:

    This entire website Ventriloquist Central is a Tribute to Ventriloquism and to Ventriloquists worldwide. Therefore it is only fitting that you name your collection Dan Willinger’s “TRIBUTE COLLECTION”

  20. shannan knight says:



    If he did a traveling show it could be called
    “The Art of Being a Dummy”, or perhaps
    “Dummy by Design”

    but if one wants to be “Frank” about it, you could say Dan’s collection is

    “Mostly Marshall, Figuratively Speaking…”

    tho I tend to think that in Dan’s case they could say he did it all
    “For Love of Dummy” (once again, figuratively speaking), or perhaps out of “dummy love”….

    okay, so now you know why my dummies won’t work with me due to the really bad puns…

    but you could refer to it simply as
    Dans Fabulous Figure Collection
    Dan’s Darling Dummies
    sounds a bit too much like a doll collection,
    which they are, of sorts, but ventriloquist figures are very specialized mechanised doll figures, which as Steve Overton would his marionettes, that these are ‘dolls designed to work for a living.”

  21. Wanlu says:

    The Vent Castle

    The Dream Team ;)

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