Happy Birthday Ray Guyll, Today's Master Figure Maker


Ray Guyll with “Kirby”

I am very lucky because I can never forget Ray Guyll’s birthday. Why you ask? The reason is because my own Dad’s birthday was November the twenty first.

I thought since it was Ray’s birthday I would shout it out to all of you who read the blog so you too can also say Happy Birthday to Ray.

Click below to hear friends who called in to give Ray some birthday wishes.


We also did some digging and found these wonderful shots of some of the superb figures that Ray has created both famous and not so famous for you to see. I think after you view these you will see why I call him the true Gepetto of our time.

Click here to see some of Ray’s work.



Dan Willinger is a ventriloquism enthusiast and ventriloquist figure collector. He has been collecting for over 25 years. He created the Ventriloquist Central Collection. It now has over 100 ventriloquist figures and over 50 of them are Frank Marshall figures. Because of his love for the art of ventriloquism, Mr. Willinger created the website Ventriloquist Central. For more information about the website, go to: http://www.ventriloquistcentral.com

Copyright 2009 by Dan Willinger

NOTE: You may use this blog article provided you run it with the bio box intact. Please email a copy of your publication with the blog article in it to: webmaster@ventriloquistcentral.com

This entry was posted in Ray Guyll, Ventriloquist Central, Ventriloquist Figure (Dummy) Makers, Ventriloquist Figure Building, Ventriloquist Figures. Bookmark the permalink.

6 Responses to Happy Birthday Ray Guyll, Today's Master Figure Maker

  1. LeeDean says:

    Happy birthday, Ray. Thank you for time and attention looking at the Kriket head at the 2004 convention in Northern KY. Thank you, too, Barbara for getting him away from the crowd to talk to me. I remember the TV camera rolling during our meeting but never made it on 60 Minutes. Your instruction of Steve Hurst is special and appreciated, and he made a fine figure of the gal from one of your molds which ended up a guy recently sold to young boy in France. If you teach music like you make figures, which I expect so, there are many fine musicians around too. LeeDean

  2. Ray Guyll says:

    Hey Lee, it was my pleasure looking at the head. You have some really ingenious ways of creating mechanics and doing things. I wish that we could have spent more time. When you get a chance email me sometime. I’d love to share some thoughts and ideas with you.

    Also a special thanks to everyone for all the birthday wishes. They really do mean a lot.

  3. Bill Smith says:

    Happy birthday to a GENIUS!! Many Many more!

  4. Wanlu says:

    Happy birthday Mr Guyll. :) from your #1 fan in Manila :)

  5. Phil Nichols says:

    Happy birthday to the master!

  6. Phil Mitchell says:

    BELATED birthday greetings, ol’ buddy!

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