One of the things I always look at on ventriloquist figures, especially from the past , are the hands. It is an easy way to identify the maker as each maker did have a signature hand. That being said there is one hand that differs and that is the cloth hand.
I have a few figures in the Ventriloquist Central Collection that in fact have cloth hands which are made from children’s gloves. The first is the Shaw figure and another is the Pinxy Figure. Both of these have the original hands which were done with these gloves.
I would assume that the builder , if out of his standard hands at the time, would use the gloves to complete the figure to make the sale. I just found this interesting.
What are you thoughts?
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Ventriloquist Central is the brainchild of Dan Willinger and Steve Hurst. Dan is a ventriloquism enthusiast and ventriloquist figure collector. He has been collecting for over 25 years. He created the Ventriloquist Central Collection. It now has over 100 ventriloquist figures and over 50 of them are Frank Marshall figures. Steve is a ventriloquist as well as builder of ventriloquist figures. He also has a background in sales, marketing, building websites and computers. Because they both love the art of ventriloquism, the website Ventriloquist Central was born. For more information about the website, go to:
Copyright 2014 by Dan Willinger and Steve Hurst
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Hey Dan,I’ve also always been interested in “Hands”on a Vent figure……to me if the “Hands” aren’t realistic enough on a Vent figure I think it really detracts from the overall appearance of the said Vent figure……as for cloth hands….well…not realistic at all.
Years ago Louie had composition hands. A child bit off his index finger. Louie said it didn’t hurt a bit (snicker) but we had a heckuva time getting the finger out of the child’s mouth.
Since I knew I’d be doing lots of shows involving wading into an audience of children, I replaced his hands for a few years with child glove cloth hands with the safety of the audience in mind. Once I had access to wooden or hard plastic hands, I switched them out.
So circumstances make a difference…but manufacturing a figure without a specific client in mind and using cloth hands seems…odd.
Although I have made hundreds of puppets over the years, I have only made one hard vent figure, and because most of my puppets have hands made from felt stuffed with fiberfill , my vent figure also has this type of hands.