Steve Hurst, Bob Isaacson, Dan Willinger
For me every time I go to the Vent Haven ConVENTion the highlight is being able to spend time with my good friend and mentor Bob Isaacson.
As everyone knows Bob is a very knowledgeable man in all aspects of the history of Ventriloquism, is a consummate professional ventriloquist and also has been a collector for many years. He took me under his wing early on in my quest for ventriloquist figures and still today helps me in many ways.
We always spend much time together talking about Frank Marshall and his creations and for me this makes my ConVENTion. So I just want to take this moment to say a big THANKS to Mr Bob Isaacson for helping me (and Steve) with Ventriloquist Central and for being my friend.
If you go to ConVENTion it would be my pleasure to introduce you to this great icon in the ventriloquist world although you really don’t need me because Bob will talk with you if you just say hello!!
Dan Willinger is a ventriloquism enthusiast and ventriloquist figure collector. He has been collecting for over 25 years. He created the Ventriloquist Central Collection. It now has over 100 ventriloquist figures and over 50 of them are Frank Marshall figures. Because of his love for the art of ventriloquism, Mr. Willinger created the website Ventriloquist Central. For more information about the website, go to:
Copyright 2010 by Dan Willinger
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it don’t get any better than Bob Isaacson
Hi Dan,
I thought Bob was only my friend and mentor. He’s yours too??
I say “ditto” to everything you’ve written . . . and I love his stories. Put him down as being in “The good guys” category.
“Gramps” is one of my best friends for over 30 years.
Even walked my wife down the aisle at our Vent Haven Wedding!
Oh, the stories!!!
Many years ago, when it was my first year to go. Mark Wade introduced me to BoB and yes he does like to talk to you no matter who you are. He is such a good person and will help us all in the vent world. Thanks
Mr Isaacson is a very friendly vent…he corresponds with me despite the fact that I’m a nobody in the vent scene. He never failed to email me back with all my questions :)
He is an expert and he knows what he is talking about… the man is a living legend!
May God bless you more Mr Isaacson :)
When I have the pleasure of talking to Bob on the phone he always refers to himself as the Colonel (since I’m an NCO in the Air Force)…but when it comes to the ventriloquist community, I would have to promote him to Four Star General. You’re the best Bob Isaacson!
Yes. I agree with everyone Bob has always been a wonderful presence in the Vent World. Alway open, friendly, generous with his Vent knowledge, always willing to be of assitance. I’m very fond of Bob Isaacson and I,m glad to call him a friend.
Joe Lopez