It really is funny but it seems that when folks look at the figures in the Ventriloquist Central Collection I am asked if I like to get figures that have a genuine history with famous ventriloquists that owned them.
The answer is of course it is a great thing to know the true origins of ownership for a ventriloquist figure but it is not something that is a top priority for me.
The ventriloquist figure for me has always been what my collection is about. I love them and want to show them and even though a history is nice to have for me it is all about the figure.
Now that being said I do have a few figures in the Ventriloquist Central Collection that were owned by some very notable ventriloquist.
Some of the more notable vents that are represented in the Ventriloquist Central Collection are Bob Neller, Roy Douglas, Vicki Taylor, Johnny Main and Bob Isaacson. There are others in the collection but these are the more well known to most of you that read this blog.
If you decide to come to the Birthday Bash in October you will get to hear about a lot more of the owners when you get to visit the collection.
Have you signed up for the Ventriloquist Central Birthday Bash?
Ventriloquist Central is the brainchild of Dan Willinger and Steve Hurst. Dan is a ventriloquism enthusiast and ventriloquist figure collector. He has been collecting for over 25 years. He created the Ventriloquist Central Collection. It now has over 100 ventriloquist figures and over 50 of them are Frank Marshall figures. Steve is a ventriloquist as well as builder of ventriloquist figures. He also has a background in sales, marketing, building websites and computers. Because they both love the art of ventriloquism, the website Ventriloquist Central was born. For more information about the website, go to:
Copyright 2013 by Dan Willinger and Steve Hurst
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