Vlad, Renfeld & Capt Joe
Steve Swenson of the DummyShoppe.com, sent in this poem along with an email that was sent to him by Joe Radle. Here’s Joe’s email:
Just a note to let my many friends know that I am back home now from a fantastic adventure, “Attendance at my first Ventriloquist Convention” In Fort Mitchell, Kentucky. There is so much to tell about it, but I will inform you with more over time.
Right now I will share this poem with y-all. I dashed it off at pool-side at the Drawbridge Inn where the convention was held. Anne and I stayed an extra day to unwind and bathe in the afterglow of the e-Vent. I hope you enjoy. I will annoy you all with some photos soon, of the Count and his side kick, Renfeld, so keep an eye out for those.
Regards to all, Joe Radle aka Capt. Joe
So here is Joe’s poem:
I done writ a poem ’bout the convention
By Joe Radle
© 2010 J.B. Radle
My wife and I, we took a ride to ole Kentuck
Were lots of folks with puppets, just ran amuck
I think it’s only right I mention
We were headed to a ventriloquist convention
We got some rain and then it got sunny
Me and my lady, I call her, Honey Bunny
We made the trek in just one day
Thanks to the maps from the folks at the triple A
I had packed my puppets and you might ask-it
What the heck I’ve got in the casket
Count Vladimir Dracula is his name
In Transylvania he’s got some fame
My Good Friend, Jet, from down Alabama ways
Made him for me, in what seemed like only days
He’s really not one of those horror type blokes
But made for fun and telling jokes
Little kids he will not frighten
I hope his skits will only brighten
And, while he is a somewhat scary guy
He won’t say things to make them cry
I brought some money, some call it “Geld”
Because Dracula needed a side kick named, Renfeld
You won’t believe the luck I had
I found the perfect guy for Vlad
Once again, my friend, Jet came through
I saw him, liked him, and bought him, too
The Count and Renfeld hit it off
Just like fire, draws a moth
I’ve got a team to now delight
And, I’ll tell everyone, he doesn’t bite
I’ll write some bits to work these two
To make folks laugh, I hope, don’t you
Thanks, Steve for sending this in and thanks to Capt Joe for letting us share this with everyone.
Dan Willinger is a ventriloquism enthusiast and ventriloquist figure collector. He has been collecting for over 25 years. He created the Ventriloquist Central Collection. It now has over 100 ventriloquist figures and over 50 of them are Frank Marshall figures. Because of his love for the art of ventriloquism, Mr. Willinger created the website Ventriloquist Central. For more information about the website, go to: http://www.ventriloquistcentral.com
Copyright 2010 by Dan Willinger
NOTE: You may use this blog article provided you run it with the bio box intact. Please email a copy of your publication with the blog article in it to: webmaster@ventriloquistcentral.com
Dear Dan Willinger, Thanks for posting our picture and my poem. I have to also thank, Steve for sending it in, and of course his lovely wife, JET for making my two puppets seen in the photo. I am having a ball with these two figures and am happy to share their good looks with all the folks reading your blog. Steve turned me on to your site and I am enjoying all the info and postings, as well as the many videos that you make available. I feel honored to appear in this fine publication.
An extra note for you. As I dashed off this poem at pool side, my wife Anne and I were treated to a visit by none other than the Great Puppet Master, Dan Horn. We chatted and I was favored with his autograph, which I shall frame and post in my den. He even included a hand drawn picture of his Good Buddy, Orson. Dan had stayed on also at the Drawbridge Inn as he had some shows to do later in the week at a comedy club in nearby, Cincinnati. I wish we could have stayed to see that. He gave a great class on, Manipulation of Puppets at the conVENTion!
Finally, Mark Wade and his many helpers deserve a Standing O for a job that went like clockwork. I wish to single out just one more pair of guys that made everything work so smoothly, Mr. Dave Carr [ not sure of spelling ] and his son. They ran the stage for every single event, to perfection! God Bless All! Joe Radle aka Capt. Joe.