Unfortunately up here in the northeast winter can be severe and this year is no exception. Just a week ago we had 5 inches of very wet heavy snow and the temps have been in the 20’s and low 30’s for the better part of a full week. This morning I awoke to a nice sheet of pure ice. The steps and walkways looked ok but as soon as you put your foot down it was like an ice skating rink. I was smart this season and purchased a 100 pound drum of ice melt so that I can get rid of the ice.
For the first time I covered my car with a plastic tarpaulin and all I had to do was take it off this morning and my car was ice free. It was not easy to get off because of the weight of the ice but it did make the car easier to use instead of the scraping of the windows.
I am very tired of these New England winters and I do hope that in the not to distant future I will be able to make a move to Las Vegas. My wife and I vacation there a couple times a year and we just love the dry heat. We also like it there in the dead of summer. Temps reach upwards of 117 degrees but like being in zero degrees you don’t go out. I just love the idea of never having to shovel again or salt my walkway. No falling down on black ice and no exorbitant heating bills.
However, the dummies are nice, cozy, and warm in their rooms, plus they never complain about the heat or cold.
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