The past few days we’ve received some wonderful comments from various sources and I have to say….we are truly humbled.
When Steve and I started Ventriloquist Central, we did it as a “labor of love”. However, from some of the comments we get, we sometimes forget the impact that we are having on the ventriloquist community.
Me being an enthusiast of ventriloquism as well as a collector and the owner of the Ventriloquist Central Collection, Steve being a ventriloquist, as well as a great webmaster, never realized that Ventriloquist Central would grow to where it is today.
All we’ve ever tried to do is share information about ventriloquism with each and everyone of you.
Here is partial comment we received from Rick Johnson:
To Dan and Steve,
I want to commend both of you on how you are building Ventriloquist Central into a community meeting place that brings together the separate and not always sympatical recipients of the WorldVents email list. I’ve seen your site grow, and the breadth of resources expand beyond Dan’s collection of figures and mementos to become a portal into the world of ventriloquism that reaches out to engage the vents and enthusiasts of all levels through the aggregation of articles, the instructional materials, historical experiences, and now the webcasts. You have great reason to be proud of what you’ve accomplished, and I hope you feel appreciated for the achievement.
When I started vent as a child I had a sense that there was an association of ventriloquists somewhere “out there” and I wanted to be part of it. The North American Association of Ventriloquists started by Maher Studios gave us that sense of belonging with its little newsletter, but the NAAV went away, and in the last thirty years vents had no center of affiliation, except among those who became acquainted at Vent Haven and travelled to the convention.
Now, I believe that Ventriloquist Central is becoming the community center of the Web age. Your use of email sent to individuals to promote VC and its news and webcasts is well executed and effective.
Thanks for all you have done and continue to do to build community, promote the art of Ventriloquism, and show us how much we all share in common.
Best wishes for the upcoming Webcasts from the convention.
Rick Johnson
Here’s another comment from Russo Lewis that was taken from Facebook:
Thank you Ventriloquist Central. Nothing like this in the past…Bob Ladd and WS Berger the closest me thinks…I could be wrong but my personal thanks to Ventriloquist Central for this inspiring and invaluable support of this art form, the root of any and all Voice Over special effects we enjoy today they all spring from the mysteries of the inner voice…theologically ‘once upon a time…now comedic…in its structures, contemporary ventriloquial artists are reshaping the magic for today’s generation.
Russo Lewis
Rick and Russ, thanks so much for your kind words, Steve and I are very grateful.
Dan Willinger is a ventriloquism enthusiast and ventriloquist figure collector. He has been collecting for over 25 years. He created the Ventriloquist Central Collection. It now has over 100 ventriloquist figures and over 50 of them are Frank Marshall figures. Because of his love for the art of ventriloquism, Mr. Willinger created the website Ventriloquist Central. For more information about the website, go to:
Copyright 2010 by Dan Willinger
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