Very Distinguished Service


Yesterday’s blog was about the W.S. Berger Distinguished Service Awards. Bob Abdou, Al Rivera and Bob May have been performing for the children at the Cincinnati hospital on Saturday morning during the ConVENTion.

Bob Abdou sent us more information:

Bob May, Al Rivera and myself have been performing at the Cincinnati hospital since 2003 before that we were at the Shiner’s Hospital for 3 years.

Bob May was not able to make it because of family responsibility, he was truly missed, Bob’s clown antics at the show were always a hit and silly fun.

When I received this award, I leaned towards Al and said ‘this is for Jordan”

Jordan was a young boy in our audience that just laughed and laughed, the family was happy because Jordan was smiling and laughing.

He forgot about his troubles during our show. He had tubes, wired connected to him and he was hooked up to a huge machine.

After the show, the grandma asked us to talk to Jordan, We jumped at the chance. While we were chatting with him, the grandma leans towards us and says “Jordan isn’t going home”. We all looked at each other and started to tear up. We did not want Jordan to see us sad for him.

We kept on making him laugh, gave him a puppet gift and he went back to his room. We said a prayer for him and his family.

This award is for the Jordan’s of the world.

Thank you Bob May, Al and Lori for your talent, graciousness and friendship

Bob Abdou



Hats off to all of you for this wonderful service that you provide.


Have you seen the Frank Marshall Tribute DVD, click here


Ventriloquist Central is the brainchild of Dan Willinger and Steve Hurst. Dan is a ventriloquism enthusiast and ventriloquist figure collector. He has been collecting for over 25 years. He created the Ventriloquist Central Collection. It now has over 100 ventriloquist figures and over 50 of them are Frank Marshall figures. Steve is a ventriloquist as well as builder of ventriloquist figures. He also has a background in sales, marketing, building websites and computers. Because they both love the art of ventriloquism, the website Ventriloquist Central was born. For more information about the website, go to:

Copyright 2014 by Dan Willinger and Steve Hurst

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One Response to Very Distinguished Service

  1. bob isaacson says:

    Again my congratulations to Bob Abdou, Al Rivera, Bob May & now the young lady Lori Bruner. It takes plenty of strength to visit the children’s hospitals. I know from experience in Chicago land, visiting the Shriners Hospital with my figure Speedy. A few times I had to find a closet to step into due to the many tears flowing from my eyes. But nevertheless, a joy to see the smiling & laughing faces of the children, if even for a few moments. Thanks again you four dedicated people !

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