Ventriloquist Figure Builder, Scott Bryte Part 2

Keith Suranna has been gracious enough to send in pictures of the ventriloquist figure that Scott Bryte is building for him.

Here are more pictures:

Bryte-Suranna 7

Bryte-Suranna 8

Bryte-Suranna 9

Bryte-Suranna 10

Bryte-Suranna 11

Bryte-Suranna 12



If you missed the first part, click here




Dan Willinger is a ventriloquism enthusiast and ventriloquist figure collector. He has been collecting for over 25 years. He created the Ventriloquist Central Collection. It now has over 100 ventriloquist figures and over 50 of them are Frank Marshall figures. Because of his love for the art of ventriloquism, Mr. Willinger created the website Ventriloquist Central. For more information about the website, go to:

Copyright 2010 by Dan Willinger

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7 Responses to Ventriloquist Figure Builder, Scott Bryte Part 2

  1. bob abdou says:

    I wonder who can get one next?? hint hint

  2. Bob Conrad says:

    Ingenious! Very clever way to sculpt out of wood, a whole different way to carve. Please keep us informed of the progress.

  3. David Ferdinand says:

    Wow, wonderful work, makes me want to try again! just curious if you are using bass wood and what thickness planks?? Keep us posted.. Thanks Dan….

  4. Looks like 3/4″ to 1″ pine wood to me. What a great idea though. Scott Byrte should put together a how to builders manuel/ plans to sell. I would buy one. What a fun project to try. Great Work Scott! I wonder what he charges to make one of those figures?

  5. Keith Suranna says:

    Scott himself can provide the exact measurements, etc., but I can say that he is carving my figure from basswood. I couldn’t be more pleased with his work. It has been an absolute pleasure to work with this gentleman!

  6. Scott Bryte says:

    I use basswood for the head and hands, and pine for the body and feet (both of which are carved adn contoured). I did make a dummy head and hands out of maple once, but it turned out to be a less than brilliant idea. the maple was so hard that i broke my power carver (it’s like a dremel on steroids) three times. I get basswood cut to 3/4 in thickness, and try to get it as wide as possible, which ususall works out to about 9″. I only need it that wide for the middle pieces (where the nose is). If someone were to order a dinosaur or a dog or anything with a long snout, I suppose I’d have to come up with … well … something.

  7. Ron Cataldo says:

    I love your work! Ingenious!
    I have some basswood that has been cut and planed into blocks about 2 inches thick by 8 inches Long and 6 inches Wide -4 pieces. I had them cut over 15 years ago. I thought I would try and sculpt something, but never did. But you have inspired me to approach such a project differently! I love the methodical process! One Day! Thanks for sharing your work with the vent world.

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