Someone wrote in to me asking about my collection and was interested to know where I began. I thought back and actually do remember exactly the details of my original pro figure purchase. It was about 10 years ago and I was relatively new to ebay and was looking for vent figures made by K&S because that was the original figure I had traded for as a 5 or 6 year old. ( read my bio) As I was looking at the list of figures I saw a wood carved figure , made by Conrad Hartz in the likeness of Knucklehead Smiff, and so I bid on him and won him. The seller was Dan Payes.
I won the figure and then after contacting Dan we became friends and chatted continually on the phone and internet about figures. He was building his figure called Preston, now a retired model, and I purchased one of those too. But after receiving him I told Dan I really like the wood carved figures.
I played with the Knuckled figure but kept asking Dan if he had any other wood figures and sure enough I purchased my second wood carved figure from him too. It also was a Conrad Hartz Jerry style figure. Both were great figures and I kept them for a long time before selling them due to upgrading but those 2 figures were my entry into collecting ventriloquist figures.
Dan if you are reading this blog I want to thank you for getting me started and for keeping our friendship alive for such a long time. Hey Dan, any more wood carved figures?????
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