I have been having conversations with quite a number of people concerning the Vent Haven Ventriloquist Convention and how expensive it will be to attend this year. With the price increase of gasoline and jet fuel the costs have sky rocketed over the costs of previous years.
With this in mind my Webmaster Steve and I decided to run another pole and see what everyone thinks about going this year so look at the top of the right hand side column and give us your vote on this very important poll.
All writings here are copyrighted by Dan Willinger and Ventriloquist Central. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.
Even with the prices of absolutely everything sky-rocketing I will be going. I will cut corners somewhere else. I am a “working” ventriloquist and I feel that the knowledge that I glean by attending will far out-weigh the expense. Margaret
With the rising costs plus what it costs to get there from
California I wont be going to the convention this year.
As the gas prices keep going up, I’m now glad I own a VW Beetle. To get to VH, it’s 650 miles from Trevose, PA. to VH. I love going to VH but with high expenses, I agree that I need to cut costs somewhere. No matter how I look at it, to get to VH, I’ve to buy gas whether it’s for Flo Fromnoogin (my VW Bug) or a bus or a plane. I’ve calculated that the cost will be less if I come by Flo. I’m scheduled to perform at Senior Open Mic and I love to meet all my friends plus get to see Terry Fator. I’m still planning to go but I’ll have to pull out of VH around Noon on Friday because I got booked for a big show up in Port Jefferson, New York on Saturday. This gig will offset the costs for my trip to VH. Since I travel the entire US, Canada and Nova Scotia, I’ve had to raise my travelling fees to coincide with OPEC getting richer while we’re getting poorer. Since many clients don’t want travelling fees to be more than the show, I’ve had to hide some of the travelling fees into my performance fee so this will not be part of the issue to be turned down. So far it’s working. I’m also in the process of selling my Trevose home to move up to the Poconos so I’m closer to where much of my gigs lately have been. I’ll be closer to the casinoes and lodges up in the Poconos and within 1 hour of New York.