Cleaning of Ventriloquist Figures

2 h s
Brian Hamilton Ventriloquist Figure

The maintenance of the ventriloquist figures in the Ventriloquist Central collection is an ongoing chore. I call it a chore but that really isn’t the correct word because I love to do this. The cleaning never ends because it just can’t be done all at once. I have to start at one side of the room and work my way around to the other side. By the time I get to the other side it is time to start all over again.

The greatest thing I have to do is remove dust. I have found that the best thing to help me do this is the use of canned air. I purchase cans of condensed air at Michael’s craft store and use this to blow off each figure as I go along. It works very easily and really does the job.

The wigs seem to get the most dust but those as well release the dust with a few sprays from the can.

A little warn water with mild soap like ivory liquid is really great to use to wash off mild soiling to the face and hands. Always remember to stay away from the sides of the mouth with any liquid because most of the figures used cardboard as the side walls for the mouth palate to seat into and if they get wet the mouth will no longer work because of warping of the cardboard. Even Frank Marshall made not of this in his catalogue.

So just a few tips for your figures if you keep them out to keep you company!!



Dan Willinger is a ventriloquism enthusiast and ventriloquist figure collector. He has been collecting for over 25 years. He created the Ventriloquist Central Collection. It now has over 100 ventriloquist figures and over 50 of them are Frank Marshall figures. Because of his love for the art of ventriloquism, Mr. Willinger created the website Ventriloquist Central. For more information about the website, go to:

Copyright 2009 by Dan Willinger

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One Response to Cleaning of Ventriloquist Figures

  1. LeeDean says:

    The main thing is warm water, not cold, Marshall catalog mentioning only that it can be “washed whenever soiled”, using the soap mentioned, but good to use a coffee filter, not a paper tissue or towel, because a coffee filter is the only paper with no wood in it (which is what I use to clean store bought eyeglasses using the plastic else will scratch lens).

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