Boy am I excited. Today is the opening game of the baseball season Red Sox Nation and our boys are playing the opening game in Tokyo Japan playing against the Oakland Athletics. Our opening game pitcher was Dice K Masuzaka and he had a very rocky start to the game but by the third inning had found his control. A very strange thing to have to make sure I was up at 6:00am EST to be able to watch the game. Japan is 13 hours ahead of my time making it 7:00 pm in Japan. As I write this, we are currently in the 7th inning and are losing 4 to 3 to Oakland but I will keep my fingers crossed that we can pull a win out.
I love baseball season. How about you??
All writings here are copyrighted by Dan Willinger and Ventriloquist Central. You may not use them without written permission but you may link to the posts or give out a link to the posts.
Hey Dan,
Heard that Brandon Moss hit a game tieing home run for Boston! Local Georgia boy that helps with some local Little Leagers and runs clinics here. Think it was his first big league at bat too, but not sure about that!
Gary you are correct. He actually had 2 hits today and it was his first Major League home run. A great start for this rookie. We are now in the 10th and are ahead 6 to 4 and Papelbon is now pitching!! My fingers are still crossed!!
WE WON !!!! A great game going into extra innings. Papelbon was not the sharpest but he did get the save!! Balseball season it the best!!!