Greg Lemon a friend of Cy Leonard's

I was pleasantly surprised with a great email I received from Greg Lemon. I thought his email to me was so nice that I asked him if I could share it with all of my readers on Ventriloquist Central and said I could. So here it is…

“I found your tribute online to Cy Leonard from happy. Have to say it was touching. I knew Cy most of my life. He was friends with my dad. They shared a common interest in computers. I first met Cy when I was very young and he was giving me all sorts of games to play. As I got older I was invited by him to be on his BBS called Cy’s swap shop.I was a member there til god, the internet came out I suppose.. Then we sort of lost touch. I may have written him the odd time here and there, but I do know the final time I spoke to him was 3 years ago. I found his current website at the time and emailed him and we talked about old times. He also told me he was going for checkups with the doctor and at the time he didn’t know what was wrong with him, but he was having problems remembering stuff from email to email. That was the last time I spoke to him. I just found out last night that he passed away almost a year ago. needless to say, it kinda hit me. He was a great man. a very great man.. as sad as I am to hear he’s gone, I feel lucky I did write him when I did. I just wish I sent a card to him when he was in the home a couple years ago.. anyways. I’m glad to see happy is with a new owner.. I take it you knew Cy quite well. Is he resting in toronto? i was kinda hoping I could maybe go pay my respects.”

Greg Lemon


A Tribute From Happy Hazard to His Long Time Ventriloquist Partner, Cy Leonard



Dan Willinger is a ventriloquism enthusiast and ventriloquist figure collector. He has been collecting for over 25 years. His collection of ventriloquist figures now numbers over 100 figures of which there are over 50 Frank Marshall figures. Because of his love for the art of ventriloquism, Mr. Willinger created the website Ventriloquist Central. For more information about the website, go to:

Copyright 2009 by Dan Willinger

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